There’s no one-size-fits-all answer to this question, as the best thing to say in a photo comment will vary depending on the photo and who is viewing it. However, some general tips for leaving comments on photos include being genuine, specific, and positive. Try to avoid leaving generic comments like “nice photo” or “love it!” and instead focus on commenting on specific aspects of the photo that you like.

If someone leaves a negative comment on your Instagram, it’s best not to respond. Responding will only make the situation worse. If you’re worried about the comment, you can delete it or report it to Instagram.

There’s no one-size-fits-all answer to this question, as the best thing to comment on will vary depending on the post in question. However, some things you might want to consider commenting on include the author’s point of view, the overall tone of the post, and any relevant facts or statistics that are mentioned. Additionally, you could add your own thoughts or opinions on the matter, or simply express appreciation for the author’s work.

You’re one of the best things that have ever happened to me. I’m so grateful to you.

“You’re amazing! I don’t know how you do it.”“You’re so talented! I’m in awe of you.”“You’re incredible! I can’t believe what you just did.

There is no one-size-fits-all answer to this question, as the best comment for a girl will vary depending on her personality and interests. However, some general tips for making a good comment to a girl include being genuine, interesting, and thoughtful. Avoid being too cheesy or over-the-top, and make sure your comment is respectful.

I am not sure why you think I am beautiful, but thank you for the compliment!

Commenting on someone’s post is a great way to start a conversation. You could say something like, “Nice post!” or “I agree!” to let the person know that you’ve read their post and you enjoyed it.

Thank you! Your compliments mean a lot to me.

There’s no one right way to comment on a girl’s Instagram post, but a good rule of thumb is to be respectful and genuine. You might say something like, “Love your outfit! Where’d you get it?” or “Great picture! I can tell you put a lot of work into it.” If you have something more personal to say, go for it, but make sure it’s appropriate and not too forward.

There’s no one-size-fits-all answer to this question, as the best way to hype a girl on Instagram will vary depending on her personality and interests. However, some tips to get started include finding out what she’s into and sharing related content with her followers, tagging her in photos that you think she’ll enjoy, and leaving positive comments on her posts.