There is no set way to detonate sticky bombs in GTA 5 Xbox one, as each player may have their own preference. Some players may choose to shoot the bombs to detonate them, while others may choose to use explosives to set them off.

There are a few different ways to activate sticky bombs in GTA 5. One way is to press right on the D-pad to bring up the weapon wheel, then select the sticky bomb icon. Another way is to press left on the D-pad to bring up the special ability menu, then select the bomb icon.

There is no way to use sticky bombs on Xbox.

There are a few different ways to detonate C4 in Grand Theft Auto 5 on the Xbox. One way is to use your phone. To do this, open up your phone and select the “Remote Explosives” option. Then, select the C4 you want to detonate. Once you have done that, press the button on your controller that corresponds to the “Detonate” option.

There is no one definitive way to detonate sticky bombs in Grand Theft Auto V. One option is to use a vehicle to run them over, another is to use gunfire to set them off.

Sticky bombs can be used in a number of ways, depending on the situation. They can be thrown like a regular grenade, or they can be attached to a surface and detonated remotely.

There are a few ways to detonate a bomb in GTA 5 with your phone. One way is to call the police and then hang up. This will cause the phone to start vibrating and after a few seconds, the bomb will detonate. Another way is to dial the number for the bomb squad and then hang up. This will also cause the phone to start vibrating and after a few seconds, the bomb will detonate.

There is no one-button detonation for sticky bombs on the PS4. Different games may use different buttons for this action, so it’s best to check the in-game controls or instructions to see which button will work.

Semtex is a plastic explosive that is known for its stickiness. It is made of RDX and PETN, which are both very sensitive to shock and heat. When these two chemicals are mixed together, they form an explosive that is very stable and difficult to detonate accidentally.

There are a few different ways to set off a car bomb in GTA 5. One way is to place a bomb on the car and then detonate it using a remote control. Another way is to shoot the car until it catches on fire, and then detonate the bomb.